Maker/Single User
Step 1: Log in to iBusiness and click on iManage. Afterwards, you will be redirected to the iManage (Global Liquidity and Receivables Solution) Home Page.
Step 2: To start VA creation, click on Virtual Account Management >> Virtual Account Maintenance on the left hand side of the screen.
- Click Add
Step 3: You will be navigated to the Add Virtual Account Number screen.
- Select the following options from the dropdown (Mandatory fields are marked with Asterisk*):
- Account Number – Account Name
- VA Entity ID
- Enter Virtual Account Number
- Select Hierarchy Type as “Parent” or “Child”
- Enter Mobile Number and Email Address
Step 4: Once the details are completed, you can click on Save and Submit to complete the process.
- Click "Yes" on the pop-up prompt
- A confirmation that the Virtual Account <VA number> has been submitted for approval successfully will appear on top of the screen
- For Single User, a confirmation that the Virtual account has been created successfully will appear on top of the screen
Step 1: Log in to iBusiness and navigate to Services >> PCM Products then click on the iManage logo. Afterwards, you will be redirected to the iManage (Global Liquidity and Receivables Solution) Home Page.
Step 2: Click on Virtual Account Management >> Virtual Account Maintenance on the left hand side of the screen and click on Pending Approval.
Step 3: You will be navigated to the Pending Approval Virtual Accounts page. The system will display the list of Batches for approval.
- You can either approve a single batch or multiple batches by clicking on the box for each virtual account request.
Step 4: You can also click on the Virtual Account Number to view the breakdown of the virtual account submitted.
- From here, the Approver has the option to select the virtual account which is to be approved, rejected or sent for repair.
- If a virtual account is sent for repair, it will be returned to the Maker for modification and re-submission.
- If a virtual account is rejected, it will not be available for modification.
Step 5: Once the virtual account/s is/are selected, click on the Approve button on the bottom of the page then click Yes on the pop-up prompt.
- A confirmation that the Virtual Account has been approved successfully will appear on top of the screen
Additional Information:
- To view the list of your Virtual Accounts, go to Virtual Account Maintenance >> Manage Virtual Account Number screen, under Queue, select Approved, afterwards, all Virtual accounts will appear in the table below.
- You can search for a specific Virtual account via the search bar. You can also click on the PDF or Excel Button to download the approved virtual accounts in the preferred format.